Sign up for our Inspector Pro Gold Package or other packaged services for more complete coverage on your new home and receive discounted pricing based on your property's square footage.

Includes: Complete Home Inspection report | Wind Mitigation report | Four Point Inspection report | Termite/ WDO Report … All in one Gold Package starting at $650!  Pricing based on the square footage of structure and property.

This environmentally friendly inspection package will give you peace of mind with the air quality in your home!

Take advantage of “The Premium Package” which includes everything in the Gold Package PLUS air quality/mold testing and radon gas testing, a 48 hour analysis on the radon levels in your new home. This environmentally friendly package can benefit those who suffer from allergies, asthma and immune deficiencies!

Includes: Complete Home Inspection report | Wind Mitigation report | Four Point Inspection report | Termite/ WDO Report |  Free Homebinder membership | Air Quality/Mold Testing | Radon Gas Testing.  Premium package starts at $1075!  Pricing based on the square footage of structure and property.

Residential Home Inspection
Single Family Structures

Home Inspections over 4,000 total square ft call or email with details for custom quote.  Insurance Inspections including Wind Mitigation and Four Point Inspections are offered at a discounted rate of only 50. and 95. each with a complete home inspection on a single family home.

** Reinspections for deficiency repairs start at 95.00 for return and updates on reports.

Residential Home Inspection
Quadplex/ 4 Family Structures

Quadplex Home Inspections over 4,000 total square ft call or email with details for custom quote.  Insurance Inspections including Wind Mitigation and Four Point Inspections are offered at a discounted rate of only 150. and 210. each with a complete home inspection on a quadplex.


Residential Insurance Inspections

*Rates dependent on location and size of the home.
Sanibel and Captiva Islands $50 additional trip/ toll charge.

  • Wind Mitigation/ Four Point Inspection Combo only $150. for ANY size home!!

Mold Assessment Testing/ Post Remediation Verifications
Air Quality/ Swab Samples/ Diagnostic Sampling

Recommended as per protocol one air quality sample per 1,000 square feet under air/ living space.  One/two exterior air quality samples.  Quantitative swab sampling on all visual growth observed.  Currently Daane Labs of Ft Myers is used for company testing, following Federal and State EPA guidelines.

Radon Gas testing

Structure being tested should be sealed for twelve hours minimum prior to start of radon test and for duration of testing.

Radon gas is an invisible and odorless gas which comes from the ground below the structure.  High rise or multi level buildings could be more prone to excessive levels of Radon.  We strongly recommend that every property gets tested for radon at least once every ten years.


Coming soon...

On-site analysis of what is needed per sample.

We will provide a combination price to try and fit your budget.

Recommended one air quality sample per 1,000 square feet under air/ living space. All visual samples should be swabbed individually and sent to lab for results. Currently Daane Labs of Ft Myers is used for company testing, following Federal and State EPA guidelines.

Call us for our special combination prices on all services for a complete inspection service on your home!

Remember, Your Family. Your Home.  Our Priority!