Ensure Safety, Compliance to Acceptable Building Practices and Quality Craftsmanship
New Construction Inspection Phases:
Stage 1 – Pre-Drywall Inspection: This home inspection is scheduled during the framing stage of the construction process. All critical structural components, mechanical systems, and roughed in systems are examined before drywall is installed.
Stage 2 – Move-In Inspection: This home inspection is scheduled after construction is complete and house is ready for occupancy, prior to the builder’s final walkthrough. This allows the builder the time needed to make necessary modifications and repairs before closing.
Stage 3 – One Year Anniversary Inspection: This is an 11 month home inspection scheduled prior to the expiration of the builder’s one year home warranty. This home inspection addresses any warranty related concerns and repairs that the homeowner will need corrected before the warranty expires.
Our new home inspection services focus strictly on identifying defects. It is our experience that most of the defects in existing homes could have been recognized and prevented at the time of construction.

Request Your New Home Inspection today!
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